Scuba diving and snorkeling

Today surrounded by a beautiful posidonia meadow, the boat Michel C was 39.25 meters long and 5.75 meters wide. In the 1900's, while crossing the harbor of Hyères at night, in a thick fog that made visibility impossible, it was hit by another ship. The Michel C sank in a few minutes, leaving only enough time for 11 of its 12 crew members to jump onto the deck of another ship which managed to reach Toulon. The wreck, which extends over about fifty meters, is accessible to divers with at least Level 2.

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Scuba diving and snorkeling

Some believe that the ship was sunk by the German army during the Second World War. Others claim that it was wrecked during work at sea. The answer remains uncertain to this day. But the fact is that the wreck of the Cimentier is, after all, one of the few accessible to beginners (Level 1) in scuba diving. With little swell and no current, the site is submerged between 5 and 15 meters of water, offering excellent visibility. A very nice diving site in Porquerolles not to be missed during your vacations.

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Scuba diving and snorkeling

Located on the beach of La Courtade, the Iléo Plongée center has been taking beginners or experienced divers to the sea for 20 years. You will be able to make your first dive, to register for a training course to improve your skills, to follow instructors with a DEJEPS diploma in underwater trekking or to rent equipment to dive independently. You will be spoilt for choice and the dynamic and professional team will advise you with a smile. What are you waiting for?

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