Street square and neighborhood to visit
2 reviews

It is the center of the historic quarter, a sumptuous Renaissance square that is a bit shaded by the rest of the city as it concentrates architectural wonders. Most of the buildings in the xvie th base surrounding this square are the work of Andres de Vandelvira, the architect of Jae 'n's caesales and Baeza and many other churches in both cities. Ayuntamiento (city hall) is located in the palace of Las Cadenas owned by Philippe II. In the square is the Sacra Capilla del Salvador built by Vandelvira. Although the original plans are awarded to Diego de Siloe ' (architect of the cathe's church of Granada and Ma' laga), it is the most remarkable church in the city of Úbeda, especially because of its magnificent retable of the Transfiguration.

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