Massage and relaxation

Anglet offers a variety of osteopaths to meet the needs of its residents and visitors. They include Rémy L., Aymeric P., Dominique L., Philippe H., Sophie T., Antoine M., Adrien D., Idoia D., Delphine F., Julien B. And Daphné V. These osteopaths offer services tailored to children and adults, using gentle techniques such as structural, visceral and cranio-sacral. Some of them come to patients' homes, workplaces or companies, offering them great flexibility. Anglet therefore offers a wide choice of competent osteopaths to meet everyone's needs.

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Massage and relaxation

Specialized in tissue approach and posturology, Itxasoa Les Ostéopathes is a modern concept dedicated to health. Two osteopaths, Dominique and Xavier, relieve pain, functional discomfort and organic disorders. Tissue approach, physiological torsion, global postural recalibration, this is a new approach to statics and posture. In addition, with their equipment, they move around the home or business. Ideal for our well-being.

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