THE VINEYARD and its history.

The Jura vineyard stretches over a strip of land more than 80 km long, north-south with a stronger concentration in the north, the south being more fragmented. It is the link between the plain and the first plateau, the western foothills

The soil was already appreciated by the Gauls who called the fertile land "Ar Bos" which became Arbois. The Sequanes produced it, but the Middle Ages with the religious communities made it a consumption for the rituals but especially for the guests of passage, especially as the roads of the White Gold (the Salt) are very animated. François I, Henri IV, Philippe II of Spain appreciated it. But as everywhere else, the turbulence of history will be felt, and it is in the 19th century that the vineyard will undergo the most important transformations. At the end of the century, phylloxera reduced the area to 5000 hectares, ruining many families. Despite the help of the state, competition from southern wines did not bring about the expected revival. The two world wars brought their share of misery and sadness, and the winegrowers were not spared. Since the 1970s, the Jura has been following a coherent development policy, showing a fierce desire to produce high quality wines. Thus a selection has been made: those who have relied on the quality of the five grape varieties that make up the richness and complexity of these wines remain