Video and photo equipment cameras

Just a stone's throw from the Place du Marché, this is the one-stop store for everything to do with photography, both digital and film! In fact, JAS stands out from its competitors with an incredible stock of cameras from all eras and all brands. Alongside what's practically a museum, there's a huge assortment of used parts, from lens covers to batteries and lenses. You'll also find much more recent models, film and a repair service. In short, this is a must-see address!

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Household linen

Marimekko made its name fifty years ago with its colourful poppy fabric, unikko. Despite what people think, its founder is not a stylist but a businesswoman; Marimekko is therefore the brand of several designers associated around the same idea. Since the little dresses of the beginning (hence the name "Mari's dress"), the brand has also made a name for itself in the field of Nordic-style interior design. A small, high-quality label that has come a long way worldwide.

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