News website

In Portuguese or English (unfortunately the site is not translated into French), a small overview of what is happening in the archipelago and what can be done there. Description of each island, information about the main cities, activities to be practiced, places to visit... There are also interactive maps. The site is decorated with very beautiful photos of the archipelago. Many very interesting pages full of little secrets about São Miguel, Pico, Faial, Terceira, Santa Maria, São Jorge, Graciosa, Corvo and Flores.

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News website

This is the portal of the regional government of the Azores. It provides you with a wealth of information on the political and legal framework of your destination, as well as on the accommodation, restaurants and leisure activities to be tested during your stay. There is no more official way! The information is secure and well updated. You can add this site to your list of pages to check before you leave and during your trip. It is perfect to organize your stay in the Azores, in the smallest details, on all the islands of the archipelago.

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