Press agency

Apart from the regional gay press, like the Lyonnais Hétéroclite (www.heteroclite.org), the excellent Lyon Mag (www.lyonmag.com) regularly deals with topics on homosexuality. LO'M (www.editions-rlo.com) is also distributed. In a generalist press, there is also Lyon (clubbing).com (www.lyonclubbing.com) - monthly that distilling everything that moves in Lyon, in the evening - and the indispensable Little Bulletin (www.petit-bulletin.fr) - hebdo on output: criticism of cinema, books; theatre; exhibition; museums, etc; LyonPeople (www.lyonpeople.com) also has a "output" section. Don't forget the website www.gayinlyon.com, which is very well updated of all events that affect the LGBT world.

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