Creative leisure activities

Aquarella is an original idea for all budding artists. Renowned artists, specialising in watercolour, animate courses according to themes and a calendar from May to September. The discovery of watercolour, over a day, the current dead nature over two days, the modern flowers over three days… there are for all tastes, even the itinerant internships practice. Large beginners, beginners, insiders, watercolour, acrylic, engraving… live courses organised by the tourist office.

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Music lessons

Praise for these professors who shake the culture with Hirson. Classes of guitar, basic and of battery are exempted by impassioned. At their head, Patrick Hiblot, set on "jam sessions". Created in 2003, the combination remains the single structure of Thiérache to support the development of the practical lover around the current musics. The cellars have even a studio of check-in!

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