
Maybe you have seen it in one of the TV shows to which Christen B regularly participates? Well this coach is installed in Bordeaux and offers his talents (Christen B is all the way out of Fine arts) acquired in the artistic environment for a dozen years. The makeover is based on the development of the person (makeup, hair, clothes…) with respect for the personality itself. The goal is not to become someone else, but to discover and learn what corresponds to us, we value and retain the techniques to apply them everyday. The agency has a hairdresser's salon that allows a notable change without going through the full makeover, for example with the help of extensions, Japanese smoothing… € 185 for hair processing, including advice and diagnosis. For a complete change, count € 650, with intermediate rates. A good way to gain a little more confidence in itself. Note that the first interview is free; 30 min to identify your personality and define, according to your expectations, the changes to be made.

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