Organic store

A small, independent shop, where we not only offer you products that are guaranteed organic, but where we encourage you to reduce packaging and therefore waste as much as possible. It's a shop where you do your shopping in bulk. Come with your containers and the planet will be better off. You will find a wide selection of flours, cereals, sugars, dried fruits, rice, pasta, oils, vinegars, coffee, tea, etc., but also fresh fruits and vegetables. Coffee house and catering on site with some tables on the terrace.

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Organic store

Did you know that? In Vienna, 27% of the agricultural area is organically farmed. Denn's Biomarkt is well represented in Vienna with about 15 shops and one supermarket. Denn's Biomarkt has a nationwide presence. Viennese organic enthusiasts can buy their supplies in these organic shops, but also at the Freyung organic farmers' market (Friday and Saturday) and at the Kutschkermarkt on Saturday. Denn's Biomarkt offers local fruit and vegetables, meat, cheese and bread, cleaning products and cosmetics - all, of course, bearing the organic label.

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