Roleplaying games
3 reviews

The temple of the game with a big J! Fans of Warhamer, Dungeons and Dragons, PSC, Guilds El Dorado, Orpheus, or Magic, Yu-gi-ho, World of Warcraft, and other games of all kinds, the imagination is to wear a hand, you just have to move Battant and you will enter a parallel universe. The staff were friendly and helpful. The shop won't always and there are still many players around the table, both day and night. Figurines, trays, card games, tips, all addicts know this address and take advantage of every minute of free time to run there and share with them some of the anthology parts. For non-insiders, demonstration sessions are provided, just check out the store. It even seems that the abuse of these games is not dangerous to health!

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 Besançon, 25000