Openair market

Punta Gorda's market is located not far from the gentle lapping of the ocean, on a street lined with casual boutiques and cafés. Sitting on overturned milk crates, in the back of trucks and under rainbow-colored umbrellas, Belizeans sell everything from fresh produce to kitchen utensils to socks. However, it's the Mayan women selling spice mixes who are the stars of the market. These glass jars with red plastic lids are sought after by chefs all over Belize.

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 Punta Gorda


Openair market

As well as food products such as vegetables (often organic) and fish, you'll find a little bit of everything at Dangriga's central market. Clothes, shoes, handicrafts, hammocks... Some stores have been established here since the new market opened in 2014. Products from all over the district are sold here. Small stalls just outside the market allow you to eat more cheaply and sample the specialties that are so popular with the locals. This market is probably the cheapest place in the country to find souvenirs.

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