Natural site to discover
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Created in 1963, the National National Park was the first French. He continued the Italian Gran Paradiso, located across the border. A National Park whose vocation is to protect the natural heritage, the environment, today takes into account cultural heritage and landscapes. 28 municipalities and its area are over 145 000 hectares. It has 14 common kilometres of the National Park of Gran Paradiso (Italy) with which it has been twinned since. 1972). The National National Park is situated between the high valleys of Maurienne and Tarentaise. With its high peaks (more than 3 000 m high), it still has many glaciers, which nevertheless shrink. The Park encompasses 70% of Pralognan-la-Vanoise.

This park was born of the discovery of the progressive disappearance of the Alps and chamois. Today, these two animals once again colonized the steep slopes and slide of the Vanoise. For them, it is the largest Colony in France. You can see them by being attentive, silent and respecting them, especially when they ruminent. They have to make a lot of fat quickly to spend the rough winters in the snow. The more fearful buff fled to our approach, unlike the bouquetin of the Alps.

Other animals to observe such as marmots, variables, foxes, hermines, badgers… 120 bird species nest in Vanoise, like bats, bearded bearded (3 breeding pairs), royal eagles (about pairs), Grouse… and a hundred species of insects.

On the flora, 1 200 plant species identified, 200 of which are remarkable or endemic, and some protected, such as the Alpes of the Alps, the @ sedge, the blue thistle…

The Vanoise National Park offers many free or controlled activities. We remind you of the specific regulations of a National Park: no dog, respect the trails, no camping, no fires, no cueillette or mineral, no mountain bikes out indicated…

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 Pralognan-La-Vanoise, 73710