Natural site to discover

The bay of Saint-Brieuc is full of natural resources. To make the most of it, opt for an outing with Ecotone nature: in the chaos of Gouët, in the Plédran forest, in the gigantic foreshore at the bottom of the bay, at sunset... Whatever your choice, Nicolas, a passionate nature guide, will help you decipher the environment and teach you to sharpen your sense of observation. Thus, the exit into the dunes of Hillion, on the traces of tiny mygales buried in the sand, is similar to an investigation. On the foreshore, while walking to the sea and the bushes, you will learn to distinguish seagulls from gulls, to spot traces of human activity, to pay attention to hermit crabs in ponds or to the small piles of sand left by sand worms... Informative outings, in the heart of splendid places.

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