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Trains to all major cities in Belgium. Three trains per hour in the week and two per hour on weekends for Brussels (about 1 hour; 14,10 €); two to three trains per hour, two per hour on weekends for Leuven (35 to 55 minutes; 10,30 €); two trains per hour, one to two per hour at weekends for Namur (45 minutes; 8,50 €); one train per hour and week-end for Tongeren (35 minutes; 4,40 €); one train per hour and week-end for Maastricht (30 minutes; 5 €); two to three trains per hour in the week and two per hour at weekends for Verviers (25 minutes; 4 €)…

Also trains for Germany and Thalys for Paris (via Brussels) 8 times a day. The journey lasts 2 hours or 3 hours depending on trains (rates: from 46 € one month before departure to € 88 on the day before departure). Some trains stop in Lille.

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