Household appliance store

For the last years, washing machines that refuse to wash, the Frigidaire that no longer make cold, the satellite antennas that no longer transmit here, find a réparateur repair and fun repair. He makes a quote and repairs if it is worth it. If you don't have anything to do with recycling. A small range of used and accessories supplies supplies batteries and transformers, often difficult to find.

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Household appliance store

Another huge area dedicated to appliances and electronics at broken prices. In a large hall filled with brands, appliances, wires and wires, games and computers, televisions and digital devices, you would almost lose! Fortunately, vendors, very solicited, always manage to direct our choices.

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Household appliance store

Milad Fam carries out and team your basic kitchen in the top: he makes custom cooking arrangements and supplies household appliances that we can also purchase separately in the different outlets of the agglomeration. Every branch in its space: cooking (cooks, microwave), cold (freezers, refrigerators), washing (washing machine and dryer), with famous brands such as Bosch or Rosières and first prices. Monitor actions weekly.

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