
Between Curitiba and Paranagua, the Serra do Mar Paranaense train is a man-made technological feat. Born of the glorious, bygone era of the railroads that linked the state capital to the coast, it is now an essentially tourist train that runs from Curitiba to Morretes (or Antoninha) and Paranagua. The train winds its way along tracks often clinging to the rock, through the exuberant Serra do Mar, crowned by granite peaks and the mata atlântica. Along the 110-kilometer route, the train passes through 13 tunnels cut into the rock and 67 viaducts spanning chasms and tumultuous rivers. The panorama alternates between sumptuous canyons, lush plains and sea views that merge with the sky, in a tangle of tropical forests punctuated here and there by waterfalls. This is one of the region's not-to-be-missed trails, with several different itineraries to choose from.

Curitiba railway station. The railway station is located next to the Rodoviária in Curitiba. There are two lines. The "por do Sol" version (R$379, R$179 one way) runs from Curitiba to Morretes, with a stop at the Nossa Senhora de Cadeado church (departure at 9.30 a.m.). The cosier "litorina de luxe" version offers a round trip at R$ 509. Departure from Curitiba station at 8:30 am. See website for options.

Serra do Mar line: 110 km, 3-hour journey. Sundays only. The train runs from Curitiba to Paranagua, passing through Morretes.

Curitiba - Morretes: daily departures.

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