Time difference San Francisco

It is 9 hours with France. When it is 5pm in Paris, it is 8am in San Francisco. This is true in winter as well as in summer, since the daylight saing time takes place at approximately the same dates in France and in the United States (within one or two weeks)

Opening hours San Francisco

To see / To do San Francisco

The vast majority of attractions and museums are open every day of the week, usually from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., throughout the year, with the exception of certain holidays, including December 25, January 1 and Thanksgiving. When museums that normally charge admission offer free admission, expect crowds

Enjoying yourself San Francisco

Restaurants close very early in the evening, especially in this post-Covid period. So plan to have dinner from 5 or 6 pm (!) because you might be pushed towards the exit at 8 pm, or even 9 pm if you are lucky...

Take a break San Francisco

Most bars are open from noon, but the more upscale places rarely open before 4pm on weekdays. In the small neighborhood bars, closing time is between 10pm and 1am. As for coffee shops and other juice bars, which are numerous in San Francisco, they generally open at 7 or 8 am and close before 8 pm

(To) please yourself San Francisco

Most stores are open every day, from 10am to 9pm on weekdays and 11am to 7pm on Sundays

Get out San Francisco

San Francisco is not a late night city. You can go to the movies, concerts, opera, ballet, musicals, but there are very few clubs to go out dancing because of the legislation that forbids selling alcohol after 2 am. The days of the Barbary Coast are long gone..