Bread cakes chocolates ice cream

Ideally located on the road to Annecy: here you can find bakes products from the Bakery of the Alps. Born in 1993 in Savoie, it now extends widely to Haute-Savoie and the Lyon region. A success due to the high quality of the breads offered and the novelties that attract an amateur clientele. Those who are used to it choose their bread according to their needs. The "woodcutter" will be chosen for its size, a large 1,2 kg bread, and the quality of its conversation: 3 to 4 days! Very good when you are isolated in an alpine chalet! The early, who are struggling to take advantage of the mountain, will stop for the pastries and prepare their picnic basket. A good sandwich, cru (raw ham and reblochon ham), a melting pastry or a homemade cake are also available for guests. While the gourmands approvisionneront with pies, mille, and other baked goods. La Basket, an ensign that does not end up developing!

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