Animal park and farm

Near Amiens, the farm of Sucrine the beetroot and Féculine the potato is a playful and educational stop for families. Here, we discover a reasoned agriculture as well as the small fauna that we protect for a respected harmony. Dominique and Ariane will introduce you to Apricot the pony, Alabaster the turkey and Pollux the mule. For the older children, the place is ideal to understand the impact of urbanization and the benefits of renewable energies. They offer permanent workshops on the themes of food from seed to plate, around the pony or the horse, the discovery of Féculine, the animals present on the farm, compost and its small animals, the ecomuseum of old tools, sustainable agriculture, peri-urban agriculture and reading the landscape. Workshops throughout the seasons, on the theme of wheat to bread, the history of sugar, from beet to caramel, witness the transformation of Sucrine into delicious caramel pellets. The fruits are transformed into jams starting with the picking of the fruits, grappling allowed! Prepare the juice and the boulé with the help of a machine, mix the two and as if by magic the jam is made. Let's not forget to taste at each step, and in the aromatic garden between scents and especially anecdotes, listen well to Dominique! Let her tell you the story of her fabulous plants and try to make the magic potion as in Roman times.

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