Balade romaine au départ d’Us

Sports events
1 review

Why Roman? It is an obvious, see! Departing from Custom, this walk takes you in the Regional Natural Park of Vexin via two ancient roman roads: the first floor Jules César, linking Paris to Rouen, then the Brunehaut road, linking, it, Orleans in Beauvais. The course, without difficulty, reserves some pleasant views over the surrounding farmland. On the way, the Renaissance castle Dampont is also worth a look.

Price: free.

Duration: 2:00.

Problem: easy.

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Balade à vélo autour d'Auvers-sur-Oise

Sports events

This one hour walk from the station Auvers-sur-Oise takes you to pedal above the town, then along the banks of the Oise. Not find program? Then, in saddle! Head first to the Notre-Dame church, which is the first stage, then turn left at the crossing. You are now in rue Daubigny, that you will need to follow until his intersection with rue de Léru, on the left. After this junction, more really of difficulty: you will need to continue straight. On the way, note the castle Léry, on your right. With a next, crossing a road on the right indicates the station Chaponval to you: it, take you arrive quickly on the banks of the Oise with a view, in the background, on the island of Are Worth. You then engage on the right, and return to your starting point to the present.

Price: free.

Duration: 1:00.

Problem: average.

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