Selfhelp association for seniors

Since 1990, the SNEG, qualified as "MEDEF gay" by its critics, is addressed to all companies that have been directly or indirectly owned by a homosexual clientele or are headed by a homosexual (the). Its missions: aid for the creation, consultancy, representation and defence of the companies involved, the policy of cultural promotion. The SNEG has a legal service for members who have chosen this option upon accession. It puts at their disposal via the website a small ads section to buy, rent, or assign business funds, search for staff, and gather various information about everything gay and lesbian in France, not forgetting the documentation on AIDS prevention. On the PREVENTION SIDE, the SNEG, particularly active, is the source of many actions. In addition to a Charter of Responsibility that the union has managed to impose on the member gay and lesbian institutions that are concerned with prevention, reception, information, hygiene or non-discrimination, the SNEG publishes health brochures and is the source of the distribution of condoms in sex clubs and saunas. It is also he who is calling on the public authorities to deal with prevention problems in the gay environment. Note that SNEG has opened several branches in the province.

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