3 reviews

Romain Gaia, a Frenchman with a passion for Japan, decided to continue his apprenticeship in the Land of the Rising Sun. Back in Paris, he launched Tomo to introduce Dorayaki, the iconic Japanese pastry. Takanori Murata, from a family of wagashi (traditional Japanese pastry) makers based in the Nagoya region, joined him in this adventure. Both of them wanted to offer a real artisanal product respecting the tradition of both Japanese wagashi and French pastry, and favoring as much as possible organic ingredients of French origin. Mission accomplished! Second address : 16 rue Grégoire de Tours (6e).

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In the rankings of the best Parisian bakeries, Bo & Mie is almost always at the top. Its bread is made according to the rules of the art, with natural leaven, that's what makes the difference. There is no trace of additives here. The fermentation is slow, in particular to develop the aromas. The same quality philosophy applies to the pastries and cakes, made with little sugar. Since the opening of this first shop, the brand has developed with two other points of sale in the capital (Marais and Louvre).

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