Mediterranean grocery

Ingredients: 300 g flour - 1 lemon - 100 g sugar - 1 sachet of vanilla sugar - 2 tablespoons of anise seeds - 1 sachet of yeast - 7 cl of olive oil - 5 cl of white wine.

Grab the zest of the lemon and chop it. Mix the flour and yeast in a bowl.

Add the vanilla sugar and 60 g of sugar (keep aside the rest), the anise seeds and the zest. Then incorporate oil, white wine and lemon juice. Mix the whole until you get a sticky and smooth dough. Préchauffez the oven at 180 ° C. Flour the work plan and spread the dough over 1 cm thick and sprinkle with the rest of sugar. Cut 3 cm squares with a wheel. Put them on a plate covered with baking paper and clean 12 min. Turn off the oven and let the canistrellis rest 8 min before they get out.

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