
On the occasion of the 1 500 th anniversary of the birth of the franc kingdom (512-2012), the Saint-Rémi Museum offers a journey to the th century. De of daily life in the Champagne-Ardenne region, this exhibition is structured around three tombs and their treasures, discovered in 2002 in Saint-Dizier. On 27 November 511, Clovis, king of the Franks baptized in Reims, died. His eldest son, Thierry (Theodoric), inherited most of his kingdom. At the beginning of 512, he chose Reims as the capital. The City of Reims chose this anniversary date to highlight the rich collection of the Musée Saint-Rémi: more than 400 jewels and objects of the daily life of our ancestors, which these people gain in their grave. Beside the fund of the Musée Saint-Rémi, the exhibits of this exhibition: three tombs of the Carolingian Upper Aristocracy in the Kingdom of Reims. There was a young woman and two high-level chiefs, as evidenced by the wealth of their funeral furniture.

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