Sports association

Gymnastics comes in all shapes and sizes, to suit each and every one of you: Gym d'entretien, Gym seniors, Gym Senior homme, Gym Energy, Zumba senior, Cross Training, Gym dos, Body Zen, Do In, Relaxation, Yoga, gym'câline (for toddlers aged 9 months to 3 years), but also Nordic walking, active walking, everything is there. All you have to do is choose the classes that best suit your body and do the most good for your mind. And if you're not sure of your choice, don't panic: you're entitled to two trial sessions before signing up! The association offers a range of class times and locations, so that everyone can find a class to suit their needs. Classes are scheduled in Chartres (Rosskopf and rue de Châteaudun gymnasiums, Pont-Neuf maisons pour tous), Champhol (sports hall), Le Coudray (salle polyvalente), Lèves (gymnase du stade, dojo), Luisant (espace Malraux, dojo), Lucé (gymnase Léo Lagrange, Gymnase François Richoux, salle René Faurieux), Mainvilliers (école Pierre de Coubertin, foyer Foucard, CSE Jules Verne).

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Sports association

The Jeanne d'Arc de Chartres Association brings together sports and creative leisure activities. First, she is known for her basketball club: from their early age, children can enjoy the joys of this sport and develop in this discipline over the years, while their elders can enjoy and develop, again and again, in the interests of training, victories and defeats. But the Jeanne d'Arc Association is also a chess club, embroidery and pottery workshops, a choir, drawing and painting classes, maintenance gymnastics and qi gong (a kind of gentle gymnastics of very slow and daily movements by the Chinese) as well as classes of bocage and yoga. At the end of the day, everyone can hope to find an activity that suits it perfectly.

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