
Fifteen kilometres on foot, it uses, it uses, fifteen kilometers on foot, it uses the shoes… but nothing scares the hikers in the section Horizon Beaulieu Chartres. On the hoof, they go every Thursday through beauceronne and emigration lands. When the theatre of their pédestres is a little away from Chartres, visit the Mathurin Régnier College parking garage, rue Jules-Hetzel, at 13 h 45. Two courses are generally planned: One of eight kilometres, and the other, reserved for the experienced walkers, 12 to 15 kilometres away. From time to time, Nordic marches are also planned for Wednesday afternoons, and other excursions can interfere in the calendar, rather on weekends. Notice, to hikers of any hair, amateur or seasoned, who simply want to walk in joy and good mood…

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