Gift ideas €€

Shake the tree... and wonders will fall from it! This little shop will delight women more than men. Inside, perfumed soaps, handbags, colourful clothes and notebooks and decorative objects, all carefully selected by the mistress of the place, who finds inspiration in her travels to Paris, New Delhi or Marrakech. A thousand miles away from department store chains, this independent boutique showcases little-known brands. A good stopover for a bohemian version of shopping.

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Gift ideas

Since 1994, this long-established shop in the Beacon Hill neighborhood has been selling pretty everyday items. At the beginning, the place was specialized in ink stamps, it has since diversified. You can buy mugs, designer tableware, stationery, lucky charms, small Japanese-inspired objects, etc. There is also a large and beautiful selection of postcards, which is a bit different from what you can find elsewhere. The store has been closed since 2022. But all the items are still for sale on the website.

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