Stay : From Aswan to the Silsileh quarries by felucca - 4 days and 3 nights cruise

A unique cruise aboard a felucca. Feluccas are small sailing boats whose size can vary according to the number of passengers. They're ideal for adventure-seekers who wish to visit

Summary of the stay


Possible departure at these times

How to get there?

Tourism bus

6 days

From 550 € / person

Transportation included (Transportation on site)
Meals included (Full board) (Half board)
Culture / Heritage
Adventure / Sports & Leisure
Off the beaten track
Nature travel
Travelling alone and travelling in a group
Bookings • Our partners
Accommodation & stays
Services / On site

Detail of the stay : From Aswan to the Silsileh quarries by felucca - 4 days and 3 nights cruise - 6 days

  • Kôm-Ombo
  • Aswan
  • Aswan
  • Philae
  • Aswan
  • Kôm-Ombo
  • Luxor
  • Luxor
  • Luxor

Day 1: Aswan and Philae

Steps: Assouan, Philae

pick-up from hotel, train station or airport.

visit to Philae temple and the unfinished obelisk.

return to the felucca for installation and lunch.

walking tour of the city.

dinner and overnight aboard the felucca.

Day 2: Abu Simbel and start of navigation

Steps: Assouan

breakfast, then a stroll through the Nubian village of Ghareb Aswan.

optional: morning visit to Abu Simbel temple.

lunch and navigation, admiring the scenery, wildlife and daily life of the villagers.

dinner and overnight aboard the felucca.

Day 3: Temple of Kom Ombo and village visit

Steps: Kôm-Ombo

breakfast, followed by a visit to the Daraw camel market, Kom Ombo temple and mummification museum.

return on board for lunch, followed by a swim on Bashir Island.

visit to the Jebel El-Silsilah quarry with its steles, chapels and cenotaphs.

dinner and overnight aboard the felucca.

Day 4: Luxor, Karnek and dinner with local people

Steps: Louxor

breakfast, then departure from the felucca for Luxor or Aswan.

Possibility of adding options such as :

  • a visit to Edfu temple, the Valley of the Kings
  • hatshepsut Temple, Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple, if you choose to return to Luxor after leaving the felucca.

Day 5: West bank of Luxor and meeting the locals

Steps: Louxor

After breakfast, we'll start our day with a visit to the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and the Colossi of Memnon. You'll have the opportunity to explore these remarkable historical sites and learn more about the fascinating history of ancient Egypt.

Afterwards, we'll return to the family where we're staying for lunch. You'll have the opportunity to enjoy a carefully prepared meal and appreciate the local cuisine.

In the late afternoon, we'll take a stroll through the village, either on foot or by donkey. You'll be able to discover the daily life of the locals, explore the picturesque alleyways and enjoy the charming village atmosphere.

Dinner and the evening will be spent at our hosts' home, where we'll share a delicious meal and enjoy the family's hospitality.

Day 6: End of stay

Steps: Louxor

Breakfast with the family.

End of service.

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