Music and entertainment bar

It's right next to the Qattara palm grove that you can find this café. It can be reached on foot either by crossing the oasis or by car around it. An ideal break to enjoy the local life. An orchestra enlivens the evenings in the sweet smoke of the hookahs, the sounds of lively conversations and the exclamations of the electronic poker players. You can enjoy teas, coffees, lemonades and non-alcoholic cocktails with some Lebanese pastries in the air-conditioning or on the terrace. On game nights, we go down the giant screen.

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 Al Ain


Hotel bar €€

Based on white rum, curaçao and lime, the clever cocktail invented in 1944 near San Francisco by Victor Bergeron is pronounced "meille-teille", meaning "everything's fine" in Tahitian. Far from Gauguinian horizons, a shot of exotic languor to be enjoyed at the counter of Trader Vic's bar. Floral shirt to match. A second glass will put the paternity dispute over this famous mix into perspective, since Don the Beachcomber claimed to have perfected it as early as 1933 in his Polynesian Hollywood eatery.

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 Al Ain