Swimming pools

Located at Fjordsgade 2, 8000 Aarhus C, it offers a variety of facilities for the whole family. The pool has an indoor pool, a baby pool, a gym and rest rooms. Activities such as baby swimming, water gymnastics and senior swimming are also offered on weekdays. Prices vary according to the type of ticket chosen, but there are no student discounts. What's more, with a ticket for the Grossererbadet, you also have access to the swimming pool. Apart from the swimming pool, there are also other tenants in the building, such as a café, a film production and a psychologist.

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Canoë - Kayak

Gudenå has its source near Tørring, 65 m above sea level. It is the longest coastal river, running 158 km from near Vejle to the Kattegat and its mouth in Randers Fjord. Every year a canoe and kayak race is organized during thesecond weekend of September. A course of 120 km. Around Silkeborg, the river has the appearance of a quiet river where it is good to canoe. You can rent canoes, kayaks and small motor boats. The center also organizes excursions to visit the area on the water.

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