1 review

The whole team at the Cultura Montluçon store is at your disposal to share with you a generous vision of culture. You will discover a place where all the creative expressions are there to live culture in its own way. Not to mention creative workshops and animations. Take advantage of the tour of the tourist guides, the Petit Smart, France, the country and the thematic area, and are in good place, partners of choice, to prepare your future holidays in peace and quiet.

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 Montluçon, 03100


Childrens bookshop

A world of images and stories with sound advice. A department for toddlers with sound books, books to touch, animated books... The learning section, with illustrated albums, stories, poetry, documentaries, comics. Readings for 6 to 10 year olds. Investigative, adventure and fantasy novels for 10 to 15 year olds. Space dedicated to creative hobbies, puzzles, toys of different materials and a whole range of games. Stationery, extracurricular, decoration, stuffed animals, puppets, school bags, disguises.

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 Moulins, 03000

FNAC Vichy

Department store
Recommended by a member
 Vichy, 03200

FNAC Montluçon

Department store
Recommended by a member
 Montluçon, 03100