Arts and crafts

In a very modern wooden structure, they sell handicrafts, jewelry, clothes, chocolates and many other regional and typical souvenirs of Chilean Patagonia. There is also a bookstore specializing in the region, a travel agency and a café-restaurant where hot drinks and some good food (especially southern specialties such as centolla pancakes or mutton and salmon sandwiches) are served. You can also request a car or bicycle rental.

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 Puerto Natales


Arts and crafts

The Chol Chol Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that promotes fair trade in high-quality Mapuche handicrafts and textiles. Based in Temuco, Chile, the foundation works to empower Mapuche artisans through cultural promotion. The foundation also organizes projects and events to promote culture, arts and traditional crafts. They offer management training for Mapuche artisans and have set up a documentation center on techniques and crafts. The foundation also takes part in educational activities in schools and organizes meetings between the craftsmen associated with the foundation.

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Arts and crafts

Each "craftsman" (alas often a simple shopkeeper nowadays) has a wooden hut to display his creations: alpaca wool sweaters, gloves, socks, and also a whole paraphernalia of souvenir items of very variable quality, but you will be able to find some small nuggets and unique pieces. However, beware as we have noticed the increasingly distressing presence of items imported from Peru or Bolivia.

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