Castles to visit
1 review

The Stuarts Castle has the privilege of building in our memory an architectural meeting dating from the Renaissance. It was built by Robert Stuart, the first captain of the Scottish guard and lord of Aubigny from 1508 to 1540, which was widely illustrated during the Italian campaigns. A part is now dedicated to the city hall. Not to mention the Auld-Alliance Memorial, which thus perpetuates the sealed pact between the kingdoms of France and Scotland. You can also admire the tapestries of Aubusson by Louis XIV in Louise de Keroualle. Restorations took place since, especially the south wing at the end of the nineteenth century. It has been classified as Historic Monument since 1862, thank you certainly Mérimée!

Crime at the castle: August 25, 2018

Fun animation during which participants will have to lift the veil on a murder!

Full fare 20 €, reduced rate 16 €.

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