Natural site to discover

Most hotels and tour operators offer packages including overnight stays, full board and excursions. Depending on the number of nights you stay, you multiply the number of activities. The package includes at least one river cruise. The best time to observe the local wildlife is at sunrise for the birds, and at the end of the day for the proboscis monkeys.

Cruises. Outings are made on small, flat-bottomed boats of varying comfort. The boats cruise up and down the river and its tributaries in search of local wildlife. You'll need a good pair of binoculars and a camera with a powerful zoom. At the beginning and end of the day, a good mosquito repellent will save the day. During the day, bring a hat and sunglasses.

Hiking. Many packages include at least one jungle outing. Most lead to Oxbow Lake, a former loop of the river. The river has changed course and a natural "lake" has formed. The ecosystem here is unique. Whichever hike you choose, be prepared to sweat hard. Bring plenty of water, loose-fitting clothes, sturdy walking shoes and socks to prevent blood loss.

Gomantong cave. If you don't have another cave visit planned during your stay in Borneo, this one will be enough to impress you. It's home to hundreds of nesting bats and swallows.

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