Natural Crafts

Panguí is about 6 km from Nuqui. It can be reached in around twenty minutes by lancha (boat). It's a typical Pacific village, with a welcoming Afro-Colombian population and magnificent rivers - the ríos Sampichí, Panguí and Chicuí. It also boasts a number of waterfalls, a rocky coastline and splendid black sand beaches. The village is not very touristy, and you can expect a quiet atmosphere. But it's well worth the detour. What's more, an initiative was launched a few years ago by a woman with an endearing personality, Ruth Nibeth Marinez Caizamo, aka "Chachita". A former schoolteacher, she aims to help her village through responsible, community-based tourism projects. In particular, she offers a posada nativa (guest house) in the village, in the form of a wooden house on the beach. It's a long way from the comforts of a hotel, so you shouldn't expect luxury. But that's not why we go here. It's the omnipresent nature, between jungle and ocean, with dreamy sunsets. You can go up the ríos, watch whales and turtles, and of course discover the Afro-Colombian culture. The experience is truly unique. To top it all off, you can enjoy the warm company of Chachita, who will make you feel right at home. And her fresh, tasty Pacific cuisine is sure to win you over.

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