Natural site to discover

This village is the closest entrance to Bihać and the starting point for many descents of the Una in rafting or kayaking. There is a small information center and several accommodations and restaurants, but no residents of the year. Lohovo was populated by 90% of Bosno-Serbs before 1991, and the entire population fled at the end of the last war. If the entrance is free, it is because the road stops following the Una 3.5 km further south. There is also a border crossing where crossings are not too frequent and controls are not too long. If there is a vehicle insured to enter the EU, Croatia can continue to Nebljusi (10 km south of Lohovo). At the exit of this village, on the left one trail (4 x 4 recommended) passes through the forest reserve of Una Mamea where the hamlet of Donji Štrbci is located with a camping, then the waterfall of Štrbački Buk. The point of view is also beautiful.

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