Craft brewery and microbrewery
1 review

Saint-Monon (ambrée, brune, au miel; Mix Hop) The Brasserie Saint-Monon was founded in 1996 by Pierre Jacob, the youngest member of a farming family. It is situated in Ambly in the province of Luxembourg and gateway to the Ardennes.It was, in fact, in 2000 that the brewery took the name of St. Monon, a Scottish monk and hermit from the 7th century who is now known as the patron saint of livestock and for protecting the harvests of local farmers.There are four Saint-Monon beers: Saint-Monon ambrée, Saint-Monon brune, Saint-Monon au miel (with honey)and Mix Hop. Mix Hop is the newest of the four, a 6.5% abv amber beer made with five different types of hop. It was launched in November 2010.The brewery also makes a number of beers to order for third parties.

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