Natural site to discover

Part of the nature reserve at Pădurea Domnească is home to a poultry reserve with colonies of migratory birds, grey herons, black-crowned night herons and little egrets. The reserve extends over almost 1 ha and is made up of oak trees that shelter the birds' nests. The herons build their nests on the highest branches of the oaks, 20 m high. A very large number of birds concentrate on the site, from 500 to 1,000 birds are counted. The floodplain on the eastern bank of the Prut River provides a suitable environment for these birds to find shelter and food. The grey heron usually lives near various water sources: swamps, rivers and streams, lakes, sometimes even in urban areas. The water may be stagnant or salty, but the water must be shallow. It is noticeable by its greyish-white plumage and black feathered neck. Night herons feed at night (small fish, crustaceans, frogs, aquatic insects and small mammals). They have white bellies and grey or reddish wings. They build their nests on tree branches or on the ground in protected areas (islands or reeds). They lay three to eight eggs. The little egret is recognizable by its white plumage. It is a rather silent bird that emits a loud cry to warn its fellow birds in case of danger.

It is possible to hire the services of a guide from the inhabitants or from the Moldsilva administration of the Glodeni district.

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