Time difference Luxembourg-Ville

Luxembourg is located in the same time zone as France, Switzerland or Belgium. There is therefore no time difference.

Opening hours Luxembourg-Ville

To see / To do Luxembourg-Ville

Most of the museums are open from Monday to Saturday or Tuesday to Sunday. Some of them also offer an evening service on Thursdays. However, the opening hours vary according to the season: from October to March, some museums close earlier or from Monday to Wednesday.

Enjoying yourself Luxembourg-Ville

Luxembourgers generally dine between 6.30 and 8 pm. Restaurants therefore generally close their kitchens around 10 pm maximum. After this time, it can be difficult to be served

Don't hesitate to book your table in advance if you wish to go to one of the many renowned gourmet restaurants.

Take a break Luxembourg-Ville

Luxembourgers don't party until the early hours... Restaurants and bars close between 00h and 1h. Only certain exceptions remain open until 3am on weekends (you won't find them later!).

(To) please yourself Luxembourg-Ville

Shops are usually open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm (sometimes 6.30pm) and closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Get out Luxembourg-Ville

The few clubs present in Luxembourg City and its surroundings are open until 3 or 5 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Luxembourgers generally prefer bars and cafés to discos, which close around midnight or 1 am.