Art gallery exhibition space foundation and cultural center

This large building contains paintings and sculptures of Kanak art. It is named after a pro-independence leader from Maré who was assassinated with Jean-Marie Tjibaou by Djubelly Wéa, a pro-independence extremist, in 1989. Temporary exhibitions are also organized every six months, as well as several cultural events. Sophie, surrounded by her team, will also be able to inform you about the activities to do on the island. A visit that is worth it!

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Site of archaeology crafts and science and technology

Located less than 2 km from La Roche, this monument is one of the most important of its kind in the Pacific. This heap of coral blocks, dating approximately from the year 500 of our era, keeps all its mystery. According to legend, the tribes of La Roche and Hnaened were constantly at war. The great chief of La Roche decided to organize a contest for which each of the two tribes had to build a war shelter in record time. The warriors of La Roche set about the task and devoted their days and nights to it.

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