Time difference Milan

There is no time difference between France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. However, Quebecers will have to add +6h to their watch in summer, +5h in winter.

Opening hours Milan

To see / To do Milan

Museums and national sites are generally open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., often closing a little later in summer and a little earlier in winter. Closing day is Monday or Tuesday.

Enjoying yourself Milan

Generally, restaurants serve meals between 12:30 and 3pm at midday and from 7:30pm to 11pm in the evening, but more and more places are offering continuous service, especially in the city center. Many restaurants close on Sundays, in August and for the winter vacations between December 25 and January 6. Reservations are always advisable for Friday and Saturday evenings.

Take a break Milan

Any time of the day is a good time to indulge at the bar or café. The Milanese like to have breakfast at the counter between 7 and 9 a.m., but also to stop mid-morning for an espresso. The same applies after lunch, with long queues to swallow their coffees before returning to work. In the evening, the aperitivi ballet starts at around 6.30pm and goes on until 9pm.

(To) please yourself Milan

Stores are often closed on Monday mornings (except for major chains and in the city center), and open from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm and from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm and from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Downtown stores are open all day and on Sundays.

Get out Milan

The bars get ready for the evening from 6.30pm. Once the aperitif is over at 9pm, the night begins with live music and a cocktail parade. As in France, nightclubs open their doors at 11pm, but the crowds don't start arriving until around midnight.