Natural site to discover

This small lake differs from its big brother by its banks eaten by reeds and dominated by steep peaks that miroitent in water. Its waters are also salted. The small village, located on the slope of its south bank, looks even more desolate and ghostly than its counterpart… No market, no petrol, nothing alone a few tents and stone boxes, most abandoned… However, if you make a small stop, you will not be submergé by an army of small sellers of flint (you find a mess in the pagaille. region), flèche and harpoons, and handicrafts. In front of the recent influx of tourists, prices have climbed, and all the goods are displayed at 5 000 FCFA… You can talk afterwards! As follows: pens are of great market value in the surroundings, and you can easily exchange one against two or three silex… You will also be offered these beautiful pink or green heels, which seem to make Fureur fureur!

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