Military monuments

Oman's highest fort is surrounded by ramparts that once included no less than twelve towers. Built on the rock, its walls seem to be an integral part of the rock. It is an imposing building that has been carefully restored. It is surrounded by abundant nature and offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area, especially of the mountain foothills. It is said that it was once connected to the citadel of Al Hazm, some twenty kilometres away, by a tunnel. Entrance is possible through four different gates: Al-Ya'arubi, Al-Wasut, Al-Sharjah and the main gate. The structure is adjacent to a falaj that is over 130 years old. The first buildings of the complex were constructed in 1250 from Persian ruins. The fort was later enlarged over the years, and in 1650 it was remodelled by Nasir bin Murshid. It is a construction of impressive dimensions, where it is easy to get lost in the maze of rooms, doors, staircases and underground passages (many and dark). When you are lucky or unlucky to be there alone, you almost get scared in the string of such naked rooms! On the top floor is the tomb of the members of the family of the late Sultan Qaboos of the Al-Bu Said dynasty. Unlike the other forts, this one has no real interior design, and that's a pity: no explanatory panel, no furniture, no antique objects or accessories. But what a mass behind this jagged enclosure of more than 200 battlements!

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