Monuments to visit
10 reviews

The castle is a real eagle's nest. Every lord's dream. Impenetrable. It is attached to a 123 m rock face. It was built inside the rock cavity in the 13th century. Nothing to do with the current 16th century fortress built by Jean de Kobenzl. Such a setting, with a complex system of caves and galleries, could only generate the most daring adventures. In the middle of the 15th century, the castle belonged to Nicolas de Foramine, alias Luogar. This rich lord became governor of Trieste. The fiefdom then passed into the hands of Erasmus Lueger. He is probably Nicolas' son, dismissed by Emperor Frederick III. Erasmus Lueger is linked to Matthias, the king of Hungary who fought against the emperor's armies. It's not to please Frederick III. Taken prisoner, sentenced to death, Erasmus managed to escape. Having become a looter with a big heart, defender of the oppressed, the noble rebel confronts the emperor's army. The castle is under siege, but Erasmus has everything it needs. Food comes to him through secret channels and he can come and go without fear. Such a story implies a traitor. A bribed valet tells the enemy where the rebel is. Latrines and a tight fitting ball and chain cause his loss. The wall has five openings. The galleries of the cave are 6.5 km long.

It is the waters of the Lokva that flow into the precipice. After visiting the rooms of the castle, you reach the area where the cave castle was built.

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