Time difference Rio De Janeiro

There is a 3 to 5 hour time difference between France, Switzerland or Belgium and Brazil, depending on summer or winter schedules and time zones. When you arrive in Rio, you have to set your watch back (when it is 3 or 5 pm in Paris, Geneva or Brussels, it is noon in Rio). Brazil is spread over three time zones: the South, the Sudeste, the Nordeste and the eastern part of the North and Center-West are at GMT-3h, while the rest of the country is at GMT-4h, except for the Acre and the extreme west of the Amazonas, which are at GMT-5h

In practical terms: when it is 3 or 5 pm in Paris, Geneva or Brussels, it is noon in Rio; it is 10 am in Montreal and 3 am in French Polynesia. Almost the whole country lives on Brasilia and Rio de Janiero time, except for Boa Vista, Cuiabà, Manaus and Porto Velho; in the west, it is an hour earlier. When it is noon in Rio, it is 11:00 am in Manaus.

Opening hours Rio De Janeiro

To see / To do Rio De Janeiro

The most frequent opening hours of the stores are from 8am to 9pm, sometimes with a break from 12pm to 2pm. Some stores, especially food stores, are open 24 hours a day, even on Sundays. Museums, as in France, are open from Tuesday to Sunday from 8am or 9am to 5 or 6pm. However, this is only a very general indication because depending on the season, the city... or the museum, the opening hours are very variable. The park of the "Sugarloaf" in Rio is open from Thursday to Monday from 10am to 7pm. During the high season (school vacations in December for example), the tourist areas, museums and monuments are very busy. The city centers in general, and Rio in particular, should be avoided in the evening and from Saturday afternoon onwards. They are not very busy and are dangerous.