Natural site to discover

The ranch entrance is about 15 km from Nanyuki on the road to Nyahuhuru. You can register for visits, organized by the Mount Kenya Safari Club, but the rates are extremely high. The easiest thing is to get there with your own vehicle, if you have one, and pay the entrance right at the ranch gate. Like the Solio Ranch near Nyeri, this private animal sanctuary has as its main objective the protection of rhino.

But it also gives the opportunity to discover a fairly rich fauna (herbivores, giraffes, lions and elephants) in a very pleasant environment. Chimpanzees were even introduced there a few years ago with some success. These chimpanzees have all been removed from the people who mistreated them, so they are no longer really "wild" animals. However, they are rather fascinating to observe, and they alone are the main attraction of this park. The Sweetwaters Game Reserve is the only place in Kenya where you can observe them. In short, an interesting and pleasant visit but, apart from the chimpanzees, it is not worth the surrounding national parks.

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