Local producer

Cavage is the harvesting of truffles. The term comes from the Provençal word cavadou, a tool used for digging in the ground. Caverage or truffle extraction can be carried out with a dog trained from an early age. At Espenon, we work with the Lagotto Romagnolo, which seems to have the right qualities. From an early age, the puppy is conditioned to the particular scent of the black truffle, tuber melanosporum, and is rewarded when it finds one. When the dog starts digging, the master takes over and gently excavates the mushroom. For this highly unusual harvest, there's a real osmosis between owner and dog. The truffle is a subterranean fungus that needs a symbiotic relationship with the roots of trees, particularly holm and white oaks, in order to develop. Maison Espenon offers seasonal 3-day truffle stays with truffle dinners!

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