Starting a business

The Urssaf (Union of Collection of Social security and family Allowances contributions) is responsible for collecting all the resources intended to finance the payment of the benefits of the general Social Security scheme: medical care, compensation for work accidents, family allowances and pensions. It also intervenes to help promote measures for employment, combat illegal work and prevent business difficulties. The Urssaf of Avignon consists of an account management service, a dispute service and a control service. In order to assist the creators of liberal companies (out of medical professions) and company managers in their efforts, the Formalities Centre of the Urssaf organizes each month free information sessions.

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Starting a business

Created at the initiative of the General Council, the Agency has the main tasks of prospecting and implementing enterprises and promoting investment in the Department of Vaucluse. Starting on intermediate, entrepreneurs and investors can have access to tools to facilitate their implementation, provide assistance in human resources (training, recruitment, financing) and offer a land and global offer throughout Vaucluse. The well-designed website consists of several entries. It contains information on large size companies that chose to establish themselves in the department, property and real estate offers in the parks of technological or industrial activities as well as the Urban Free Zone, information on the economic and human potential of the department. Also, the site makes a detailed presentation of the various carrier sectors, such as agri-food, construction or wine-growing.

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