Decoration store
1 review

Gifts, decoration, household linen, lighting, tableware, this store is very practical and avoids having to take the car to go to Aix if you need a carafe, a teapot, a dish or a tablecloth to set a pretty table, a lamp to put on a pedestal table, a mirror to hang in a room or photophores for the garden. Sylviane selects pretty things for your home including small furniture and also some fashion accessories depending on the season, hats, gloves, scarves, bags and some costume jewelry.

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Arts and crafts

Artist-ceramist Vincent was a menswear stylist in Paris before moving to Provence to make a living from his passion. His inspiration comes from ancient art. His creations include anthropomorphic vases in the shape of faces, to which he adds accessories - ceramic earrings, basketry - vases with handles, amphoras on which he traces faces with a blue line in the manner of Picasso or Cocteau, and small decorative objects. Vincent organizes workshops (modeling, glazing, firing), and you'll leave with a finished object

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RAF Construction

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